Pat Griskus Olympic Triathlon/Duathlon – HEAT discount

On Saturday, June 14, choose your race! The Pat Griskus series includes an Olympic Triathlon and Duathlon, organized by HEAT sponsor and USAT Certified Race Director Tom Wilkas. The Pat Griskus Olympic Tri on June 14th 2025 will once again serve as the State of CT Championship race. The Olympic…

Pat Griskus Sprint Triathlon – HEAT discount

The Pat Griskus Sprint Tri is one of the only evening triathlons in Connecticut. Fun! Join us at this beloved and long-running local race organized by HEAT sponsor and USAT Certified Race Director Tom Wilkas. Tom's race series offers HEAT members a discount on all races.  Check the members only…

Lake Terramuggus Olympic Triathlon

Check the members only page for the HEAT discount. Join us for the Lake Terramuggus Olympic Distance Triathlon! This is the perfect way to celebrate a summer of training and racing at the Lake Terramuggus Sprint Series - with limited adaptation to our sprint course this Olympic race will be…

Hopkins Vineyard Triathlon – HEAT discount

Saturday July 12 will see the Hopkins Vineyard Triathlon at Lake Waramaug--mark your calendars and join us! Organized by longtime HEAT friend and USAT Certified Race Director Tom Wilkas, this race is unique with its finish down the hill toward the vineyard. See the members only page for the HEAT…

Hogsback 1/2 Marathon

Place Goodwin Dam Durst Road Colebrook, CT US 06021 Start Time: General race begins promptly at 9 a.m. on September 23. If you anticipate needing more than 2 hours 45 minutes to complete the course, we will be offering an early start at 8:15 a.m.   Find the HEAT discount…

Cranberry Sprint – HEAT discount

A New England classic now in its 19th year, Cranberry Trifest offers a weekend of sprint and olympic distance multisport racing at a terrific venue, with a great post-race party. See the HEAT discount code on the members only page.

Cranberry Trifest – HEAT discount

A New England classic now in its 21st year, Cranberry Trifest offers a weekend of sprint and olympic distance multisport racing at a terrific venue, with a great post-race party. See the HEAT discount code on the members only page.

Wellfleet Sprint Triathlon – HEAT discount

The swim takes place in one of Wellfleet's many kettle ponds. Water is always calm and one of the first to warm up in the season. The bike course consists of two 5-mile loops through one of the most beautiful areas you will ride all year. The run is an…

Falmouth Sprint Triathlon – HEAT discount

It’s a rite of summer on Cape Cod: an event that attracts not only local triathletes but also visitors from across the nation and the world, (28 U.S. states, 7 nations  represented last year!)  Join a very festive yet competitive atmosphere at the 2021 Falmouth Sprint Triathlon. A highlight of…
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