Cycling Concepts Indoor Cycling Series

HEAT has teamed up with our Gold Sponsor Cycling Concepts for our popular Friday night indoor cycling sessions starting December 6th. This 8 session series will run every other Friday starting December 6th and finish on March 13th. $55 will reserve your spot for all 8 sessions (bring your own…

HEAT Donut Ride

Hey HEATsters! Do you like donuts? Do you like cycling? If so, this is the ride for you. Join me July 25 (rain date Sunday July 26) for a 34 (ish) mile ride around Southington, Cheshire and Wallingford. Donut stop in Cheshire at Old Bishop Farms (A Busha Family favorite-go…

Ultimate Triathlon Training Camp Lake Placid

Welcome to the 22nd Ultimate Triathlon Camp at Lake Placid! The camp will be held at the Northwood School in Lake Placid, NY, which is located one mile from the Olympic Oval and on the Ironman Lake Placid bike course. This is a USA Triathlon Sanctioned Camp. The 2020 camp…

HEAT Group Zwift Ride – Beginner

Since it’s winter in Connecticut, and bitterly cold outside, we're re-starting the HEAT virtual group rides on that we've held for the past few winters. If you're not currently a HEAT club member on Zwift, go to the Clubs tab in the Zwift companion app, search for Hartford Extended Area Triathletes, and request to…

HEAT Group Zwift Ride – All Levels

Since it’s winter in Connecticut, and bitterly cold outside, we're re-starting the HEAT virtual group rides on that we've held for the past few winters. Chris Eckett will host weekly rides on Wednesday mornings at 6:30am, starting January 15th. We'll hold these club rides with the banding or "Keep Everyone Together" feature in…