From the President

Hello HEAT! Happy New Year HEATsters!!!
It is a bright and shiny new year. OK, fine. It is while the sun is up at least. With the new year come new adventures, new challenges, and new friends! With everything going on, I hope that you are able to come out to one of the HEAT events to join your old friends and meet some new ones.
Here’s what we have planned thus far for 2018…
- Newington Bike Spinning Sessions on 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16
- FREE Member Clinic (USAT with Jane Reik & Cathi Koehler) on 1/28
- FREE Raffle Run @ Fleet Feet on 2/17
- FREE Member Clinic (February, TBA)
- Swim Clinic (March – May), info coming in February
- FREE Member Clinic (March, TBA)
- FREE Newington Bike Team Night (March/April, TBA)
- FREE Summer Picnic – Closest Lake T race to the Summer Solstice
It’s also time to modernize HEAT a little. As those who attended the HEAT Holiday Party know, we have a new logo coming out soon, but we need your help. Click to vote for your favorite image to become the new HEAT logo. Many thanks to Todd Busha for all his hard work putting together these options.
Voting will end January 29th!
Every member receives a welcome email including a list of discounts and benefits available. In this email is a password where you can access the list of discount codes/benefits online. From the HEAT site menu, select benefits, then members only. Here you will find the full list. Sample discounts:
- Newington Bicycle offers 5% off bikes & 15% off apparel
- 10% off Griskus and Hopkins Vineyard Triathlons
- 10% off Pilgrimman
- 10% off of Rev3 Quassy (Half, Olympic)
- 10% off of Rev3 St. Andrews (Half, Olympic)
- 60%+ off of Xterra wetsuits and gear
- 20% off at Power Meter City (select power meters & accessories)
- 15% off Greater Hartford Quarter Marathon
- 15% off Hogsback Half Marathon
- Discount on select Hartford Marathon Foundation (HMF) races – TBA
Keep battling through the winter! Spring will soon be upon us and we’ll be dusting off those T2 legs soon enough.
My Regards,
Kurt Lindboom-Broberg
HEAT President
Sponsor Events
Newington Bicycle
Cycling Classes (separate from the HEAT program)
- Wednesday Nights 6:00 pm
- Saturday Mornings 8:00 am
Bring your bike, water and a sweat towel, we provide everything else. Classes are a 60-75 minute structured workout led by cyclists! Unlike spin classes at the gym, these classes allow you to train on your own bike and always have a cycling focus– great training for Spring races! $10.00 drop in. Weekly now through March 14th. All classes held at Newington Bicycle.
Women’s Spring Clinics
These educational clinics kick off several different training groups that we’ll have running throughout the Spring/Summer for 2018 (metric century, mountain biking and triathlon). Join us at the clinic for information about that discipline, helpful training tips as well as group ride/event schedules! All clinics held at Newington Bicycle.
- 3/20, 6-8pm: Women’s Metric Century Training/Road Riding Clinic
- 4/3, 6-8pm: Women’s Mountain Bike Clinic (In store, educational)
- 4/27, 6-8pm: Women’s Intro to Triathlon Clinic
New gear will be available in 2018 and new designs are in the works. In the meantime, select items of our older gear are available for sale at a 50% discount, a great deal! Visit the HEAT store to see what’s available.